The Art Of Lying To Yourself

The secret tool for transforming your reality

Connor Beadle
4 min read6 days ago


Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

Fake it until you make it.


Positive affirmations.

Forget everything you know about these overused buzzwords. There’s a better way.

Like many, I struggled to grasp the true meaning of these concepts. I dove headfirst into self-help, sifting through endless books, podcasts, and motivational videos. At their core, they all preached the same gospel: arduous morning mantras and forced positive self-talk throughout the day.

It all felt meaningless, as if I was transforming into a robot, mindlessly performing tasks.

And for what?

For the longest time, I felt nothing, learned nothing, and began to suspect I’d wasted hundreds of hours on meaningless motivational content.

However, after an extended period of self-analysis, I began to make realisations; lightbulbs began lighting up.

What I found out in the end was that it all came down to one simple thing:

Lying to yourself.

It’s a weird phrase in and of itself. How can one ‘lie’ to themselves, knowing it’s a lie?

